The first owner and builder of the house is Romain Doucet, born in 1818 in Bathurst and husband of Marie DeGrâce. It is possible to deduct that this house was built in 1840 when his father, Dominique, bequeath him a 60 acre land in St-Anne, Bathurst in 1840, the year he got married. When Romain died in 1890, his son Louis inherited the family patrimony and he kept it until 1932 when he sold everything to his grand-son Hector Picot for a dollar.
The structure of the Doucet house which is actually at the Village historique acadien dates from 1840, but the restauration of this building, as we find it today on the historical site, dates from 1860. The Doucet house shows the evolution of a square log house, a really sophisticated house after all the years it was lived in. The mouldings on the walls and around the windows make it a refined house. The corner cupboard and the fireplace also have the same mouldings. The furniture reflects an acadian village dwelling of New-Brunswick having a little bit more luxury than others. It fits in a transition period of the furniture in the years 1825 to 1875. While keeping the utility functions, the furniture is more decorative and is fabricated with care. With the arrival of the wood turning lathe, tables, chairs, beds etc., started to have a decorative aspect.
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